The best of both worlds: a presenter-led night sky component followed by a 360˚ film. Available with all performances...
Length: 30-45mins
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Back to the Moon and SpaceX to Mars
Learn about Artemis returning humans to the Moon, and SpaceX sending people to Mars...
Length: 5-20mins
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Supermassive Black Holes
Black holes have long been a source of fascination to astrophysicists and school children alike...
Length: 20mins
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Climate Change in Our Backyard
Discover how scientists are researching the changing climate and what people around the world...
Length: 19mins
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Eyes on Island Earth
This outstanding film brings the potentially dull subject of Earth observation satellites very much to life...
Length: 20mins
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Once Upon the Big Bang
The Big Bang is the best explanation we have of how the Universe came into existence. The Universe appears...
Length: 16mins
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Great Planet Adventures
With muscles and bones built for Earth, you'd be a superstar on the Solar System's low-gravity worlds. Imagine bungee jumping into Space from an...
Length: 11 & 17 & 22mins
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Eclipses and Phases of the Moon
The best place to teach and understand tricky concepts like phases of the Moon, solar eclipses and lunar eclipses is in a planetarium...
Length: 18mins
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Aurora Storm
A spellbinding short film about the Northern Lights, describing the cultural significance of the aurora and the science...
Length: 11mins
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Fractals are never-ending patterns made from algebraic equations. Animated in 360˚ they take you on dazzling journeys in and out of infinity....
Length: 2-25mins
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Mayan Archaeoastronomy: Observers of the Universe
A unique planetarium show intertwining science and mythology, transporting the viewer on a poetic journey...
Length: 18mins
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Mexica Archaeoastronomy: Between Space and Time
The Mexicas, rulers of the Aztec Empire, utilised inherited astronomical and calendrical knowledge...
Length: 20mins
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The Great Pyramid of Giza
Immerse yourself in the world's most famous pyramid and uncover some of its secrets...
Length: 18mins
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Ambient Fulldome Art
Spellbinding 360° art by renowned fulldome artist Fusako Baba (Japan), who has been creating enthralling immersive art for over 20 years...
Length: 3-40mins
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Journey to the Binary Stars with Aida
Join space travellers Ernest and Aida to discover why binary stars are critical to help us comprehend the Universe better...
Length: 16mins
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Sida Tsoatsoas - Our Beginning
Travel to Southern Africa and experience the ancient storytelling style of the ǂKhomani people...
Length: 13mins
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Cosmic Mashups: Gravity, Galaxies & Supermassive Black Holes
Supermassive black holes are found at the centre of most galaxies, and scientists are beginning to uncover how...
Length: 20mins
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Minecraft : Worlds of Curiosity
Based on the educational computer game Minecraft, explore the scientific consequences of alternative versions of Earth...
Length: 15mins
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The Sky Above
Discover the Astrolabe, an ancient handheld model of the Universe...
Length: 14mins
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Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Journey back in time to experience the original Seven Wonders of the World...
Length: 20mins
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Space Station Fisheye Fly-Through
A complete fly-through of the International Space Station, set to music with no narration. Produced exclusively for NASA TV...
Length: 4 & 18mins
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Halloween Monsters in the Sky
Discover the scorpion, Gorgon, sea monster, lions, serpents and other frightening mythological...
Length: 16mins
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MOON 2019 - Apollo 11 Tribute
On 20 July 1969, human beings first walked on the Moon. Celebrate this inspiring...
Length: 18mins
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The Secret of Calakmul
Experience the spectacle of a Maya city lost to the jungle for a thousand years coming to life...
Length: 16mins
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The Maya: Cosmic Planners
Travel to the ancient cities of Chichén Itza and Palenque in spellbinding immersive 360° and...
Length: 18mins
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Hold a Famous Meteorite
An opportunity to cradle in your hand a large fragment of one of the most famous meteorites in history...
Length: 5-20mins
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3D Space Station (Principia ISS Visuals)
Float inside the Space Station with astronauts; visit the kitchen, sleeping quarters and toilet; enjoy breathtaking views of planet Earth from space....
Length: 5-15mins
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Pursuing the Dwarfs
Dwarf planets are worlds too small to be considered planets, yet too large to be called asteroids. They were born in the same manner as the planets,...
Length: 15mins
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Experience relaxing calmness and warmth with this unique 360° science 'musical'. Fractals are derived from mathematical...
Length: 5-14mins
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Bizarre Moons
Join us on an exhilarating tour of some of the most frigid, violent and bizarre places in the Solar System...
Length: 17mins
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From the birth of a star in a stellar nursery to it's eventual destiny as a dead dwarf, a supernova or black hole...
Length: 14mins
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8 Scoops Of the Milky Way
In a side arm of the spiral Milky Way galaxy we share a fascinating neighborhood with eight...
Length: 20mins
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Darwin's Voyage
Travel with Charles Darwin on the HMS Beagle to the Galapagos Islands, where he discovered the process of natural...
Length: 14mins
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A brief introduction to the immense collections of stars called galaxies. Learn how clues about the nature of galaxies ('milky objects')...
Length: 14mins
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The Incredible Sun
Every second the Sun emits a million times more energy than the world consumes in a year. How does the Sun make such vast amounts of...
Length: 11mins
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Force Five
Experience extreme weather without getting wet. With both animated and real footage, enjoy a front seat view...
Length: 20mins
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A Way to Infinity
What exactly is 'infinity'? Is anything truly infinite? Is the Universe infinite? Either way, how do we...
Length: 14mins
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Cosmic Castaways
Occasionally stars find themselves on their own, flung deep into the dark voids between the galaxies...
Length: 18mins
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Discover the wonders of our Sun. Our local star's incredible energy has supported life...
Length: 20mins
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Circles of Time
An artistic interpretation of the colours of each month spread over four seasons. Relax...
Length: 12mins
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Waiting Far Away
“An explorer of the Cosmos has travelled too far… and can no longer find home”...
Length: 11mins
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Supernovas Company
A cosmic tragicomedy for older children and adults. The script is written in verse, featuring astrophysicist Kurioseo Kuirosei...
Length: 20mins
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Pop Culture Astronomy (KS2 - KS5)
Live, curriculum-linked show based on the astronomy of Harry Potter, Dr Who, Star Trek, Marvel Comics, etc...
Length: 10-15mins
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A condensed, modern and surrealistic 360° version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, performed by a group...
Length: 20mins
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Chronicle of a Journey to Earth
Travel to a unique planet — to call your home! Imagine that you are a traveller from the depths of interstellar...
Length: 20mins
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Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2015
The seventh year of Astronomy Photographer of the Year, a competition that...
Length: 14mins
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Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2014
The Royal Observatory Greenwich proudly presents selected images of the Astronomy Photographer of...
Length: 12mins
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Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2013
Imagine sitting comfortably in a dark planetarium. You look up at the 360˚ screen and the room...
Length: 12mins
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