The Trench
Audiences are transported back 100 years and surrounded by the infamous WWI trenches. The horrors of the conflict are implied but never shown, making...
Length: 24mins
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World 2 War
Place your students right at the centre of one of the most momentous periods of history with this 360° overview of World War II and...
Length: 29 & 42mins
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The Christmas Star
If we assume the Star of Bethlehem was a real astronomical event, what could it have been...
Length: 30mins
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Two Small Pieces of Glass
A film about telescopes and two students interacting with a female astronomer at a local star party...
Length: 24mins
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A light-hearted and imaginative look at the myths and legends associated with the constellation Orion...
Length: 22mins
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Eve and Max are ready to risk everything to protect Earth's drinking water from a greedy corporation that...
Length: 21mins
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The Holy Star
What was the Star of Bethlehem? A miracle, a myth, or an authentic celestial event?...
Length: 22mins
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A Place Like No Other
Experience remote wildernesses with iconic animals that define the Last Frontier: Alaska...
Length: 28mins
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Sunset Meditation
How do astronauts cope with stress? Meditation is a powerful tool for maintaining psychological health and resilience. A...
Length: 22mins
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tempus ruhr
A beautifully evocative ‘nightshift portrait’ of the Ruhr metropolis of northwest Germany, captured utilising...
Length: 22mins
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Secrets of the Dead Sea
Filmed on location at the Dead Sea and also from Space, an immersive experience filled with historical and astronomical...
Length: 21mins
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Amazing Astronomers of Antiquity
A journey of discovery from the Pantheon to the Library of Alexandria to the streets of Leptis...
Length: 21mins
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Star of Bethlehem
A science-based 360˚ film that takes us back to the ancient town of Bethlehem to examine possible explanations for the so-called 'Star' that...
Length: 21mins
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Night of the Titanic
Explore ocean currents, iceberg formation & drifting and global warming, as the conditions that resulted in the sinking of the Titanic are recreated...
Length: 23mins
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Fate of the Maya
Visit the classic Mayan cities and discover how ecological pressures led to the downfall of this once...
Length: 26mins
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