The best of both worlds: a presenter-led night sky component followed by a 360˚ film. Available with all performances...
Length: 30-45mins
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Back to the Moon and SpaceX to Mars
Learn about Artemis returning humans to the Moon, and SpaceX sending people to Mars...
Length: 5-20mins
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Supermassive Black Holes
Black holes have long been a source of fascination to astrophysicists and school children alike...
Length: 20mins
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Climate Change in Our Backyard
Discover how scientists are researching the changing climate and what people around the world...
Length: 19mins
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Eyes on Island Earth
This outstanding film brings the potentially dull subject of Earth observation satellites very much to life...
Length: 20mins
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Once Upon the Big Bang
The Big Bang is the best explanation we have of how the Universe came into existence. The Universe appears...
Length: 16mins
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Eclipses and Phases of the Moon
The best place to teach and understand tricky concepts like phases of the Moon, solar eclipses and lunar eclipses is in a planetarium...
Length: 18mins
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Aurora Storm
A spellbinding short film about the Northern Lights, describing the cultural significance of the aurora and the science...
Length: 11mins
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Fractals are never-ending patterns made from algebraic equations. Animated in 360˚ they take you on dazzling journeys in and out of infinity....
Length: 2-25mins
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Mayan Archaeoastronomy: Observers of the Universe
A unique planetarium show intertwining science and mythology, transporting the viewer on a poetic journey...
Length: 18mins
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Mexica Archaeoastronomy: Between Space and Time
The Mexicas, rulers of the Aztec Empire, utilised inherited astronomical and calendrical knowledge...
Length: 20mins
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The Great Pyramid of Giza
Immerse yourself in the world's most famous pyramid and uncover some of its secrets...
Length: 18mins
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Ambient Fulldome Art
Spellbinding 360° art by renowned fulldome artist Fusako Baba (Japan), who has been creating enthralling immersive art for over 20 years...
Length: 3-40mins
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Journey to the Binary Stars with Aida
Join space travellers Ernest and Aida to discover why binary stars are critical to help us comprehend the Universe better...
Length: 16mins
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Sida Tsoatsoas - Our Beginning
Travel to Southern Africa and experience the ancient storytelling style of the ǂKhomani people...
Length: 13mins
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Cosmic Mashups: Gravity, Galaxies & Supermassive Black Holes
Supermassive black holes are found at the centre of most galaxies, and scientists are beginning to uncover how...
Length: 20mins
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The Sky Above
Discover the Astrolabe, an ancient handheld model of the Universe...
Length: 14mins
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Seven Wonders of the Ancient World
Journey back in time to experience the original Seven Wonders of the World...
Length: 20mins
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Space Station Fisheye Fly-Through
A complete fly-through of the International Space Station, set to music with no narration. Produced exclusively for NASA TV...
Length: 4 & 18mins
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Immersive & Skylark
Enter a minimalist virtual universe that will disrupt your perception of space...
Length: 8+5mins
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Halloween Monsters in the Sky
Discover the scorpion, Gorgon, sea monster, lions, serpents and other frightening mythological...
Length: 16mins
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MOON 2019 - Apollo 11 Tribute
On 20 July 1969, human beings first walked on the Moon. Celebrate this inspiring...
Length: 18mins
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The Secret of Calakmul
Experience the spectacle of a Maya city lost to the jungle for a thousand years coming to life...
Length: 16mins
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The Maya: Cosmic Planners
Travel to the ancient cities of Chichén Itza and Palenque in spellbinding immersive 360° and...
Length: 18mins
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Hold a Famous Meteorite
An opportunity to cradle in your hand a large fragment of one of the most famous meteorites in history...
Length: 5-20mins
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3D Space Station (Principia ISS Visuals)
Float inside the Space Station with astronauts; visit the kitchen, sleeping quarters and toilet; enjoy breathtaking views of planet Earth from space....
Length: 5-15mins
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Experience relaxing calmness and warmth with this unique 360° science 'musical'. Fractals are derived from mathematical...
Length: 5-14mins
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Bizarre Moons
Join us on an exhilarating tour of some of the most frigid, violent and bizarre places in the Solar System...
Length: 17mins
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Darwin's Voyage
Travel with Charles Darwin on the HMS Beagle to the Galapagos Islands, where he discovered the process of natural...
Length: 14mins
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A brief introduction to the immense collections of stars called galaxies. Learn how clues about the nature of galaxies ('milky objects')...
Length: 14mins
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The Incredible Sun
Every second the Sun emits a million times more energy than the world consumes in a year. How does the Sun make such vast amounts of...
Length: 11mins
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Force Five
Experience extreme weather without getting wet. With both animated and real footage, enjoy a front seat view...
Length: 20mins
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A Way to Infinity
What exactly is 'infinity'? Is anything truly infinite? Is the Universe infinite? Either way, how do we...
Length: 14mins
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Cosmic Castaways
Occasionally stars find themselves on their own, flung deep into the dark voids between the galaxies...
Length: 18mins
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Shining Light on the Stars - the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram
One of the most powerful tools in astrophysics is the Hertzsprung-Russell diagram, describing the...
Length: 16mins
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Discover the wonders of our Sun. Our local star's incredible energy has supported life...
Length: 20mins
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Circles of Time
An artistic interpretation of the colours of each month spread over four seasons. Relax...
Length: 12mins
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Waiting Far Away
“An explorer of the Cosmos has travelled too far… and can no longer find home”...
Length: 11mins
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Supernovas Company
A cosmic tragicomedy for older children and adults. The script is written in verse, featuring astrophysicist Kurioseo Kuirosei...
Length: 20mins
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Pop Culture Astronomy (KS2 - KS5)
Live, curriculum-linked show based on the astronomy of Harry Potter, Dr Who, Star Trek, Marvel Comics, etc...
Length: 10-15mins
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A 360˚ film that explains and explores the nature of dark matter, the missing 80% of the mass of the...
Length: 20mins
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A condensed, modern and surrealistic 360° version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, performed by a group...
Length: 20mins
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Liszt From Space
When the Universe feels unwitnessed, it might just play with some of the tones...
Length: 14mins
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Chronicle of a Journey to Earth
Travel to a unique planet — to call your home! Imagine that you are a traveller from the depths of interstellar...
Length: 20mins
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Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2015
The seventh year of Astronomy Photographer of the Year, a competition that...
Length: 14mins
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Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2014
The Royal Observatory Greenwich proudly presents selected images of the Astronomy Photographer of...
Length: 12mins
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Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2013
Imagine sitting comfortably in a dark planetarium. You look up at the 360˚ screen and the room...
Length: 12mins
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