The Adventures of Victor and Garu
An inspirational endorsement of the joys of travel, touching lightly on social issues.
This immersive film aims to stimulate the urge to discover and introduces youngsters to the wonderful world of travel. It also encourages friendship and the idea that we should work together and try to understand the needs of others.
Victor and Garu also stimulates an interest in geography and the differences between the city and the countryside, mountains and rivers, seas and forests, desolate peaks and tropical beaches. There are also underwater scenes and references to the weather.
The names and conversations of the characters are linked to literature and art. Additionally, other cultures and events in history are touched on as our intrepid adventurers learn of the effects they've had on the characters they've met.
Note: Spanish production narrated in English. Please preview in full below to ensure you are happy with the style and content.
Full preview below.
Film Type: Upper KS2 - KS4 / Families
Length: 25min
Also available in Spanish, Polish and Russian