Immersive Theartres

Space Explorers : The ISS Experience

Space Explorers : The ISS Experience

Filmed entirely on board the International Space Station using 360° cameras specially designed to operate in microgravity.

A short film by the astronauts themselves, who served both as cast and film crew.

Experience astronauts sharing their innermost feelings as they float before you in space.

Hear what it's like when astronauts arrive in space for the first time, and what daily 'countermeasures' they need to take to survive in this environment alien to the human body.

Preview the entire film below (in low resolution).

Film Type

Upper KS2 - KS5  /  Families  /  Adults
Length: 5min

Dome Club Ltd (also trading as Immersive Theatres)
26 Ilchester Crescent, Bristol, BS13 7HL
info (at)
Tel: 0800 9551 360
Company Registration Number : 08802807
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